birth options

Wasatch Midwifery & Wellness

When I was pregnant with my second baby, I opted to see a midwife and have him at a freestanding birth center instead of a hospital. I was low-risk and it ended up being far and away a better experience than when I had my first baby in a hospital four years prior.

One of the midwives I saw on a regular basis was Adrienne Brown. She was warm, friendly, straightforward, and she made me feel completely at ease while at the same time, I felt completely confident that my baby and I were very well taken care of. She hails from the realm of “you know your body and your baby best, I’m just here to support you.” What more could a woman ask for, right??

A few years ago she opened her own freestanding birth center and practice and I was honored to be able to create rack cards for her birth center. She had a logo already and some beautiful photos, so I created a few layouts and this was the final result. It’s honestly an easy job when there are such beautiful photos!

Check out her site! Wasatch Midwifery + Wellness

Alex Tebow Designs - Wasatch Midwifery & Wellness
Alex Tebow Designs - Wasatch Midwifery & Wellness
Alex Tebow Designs - Wasatch Midwifery & Wellness

I love how they turned out!